The reduction in the number of sunlight hours may have a negative influence on the agricultural productivity and fruit yield in Kashmir


The reduction in the number of sunlight hours may have a negative influence on the agricultural productivity and fruit yield in Kashmir.

31 May:
Expected Sunshine Hours = 0 to 1 hr

01 June:
Sunshine Hours = 0 to 1 hr

02 June:
Sunshine Hours = 0 to 7 hrs

03 June:
Sunshine Hours = 5 to 11 hrs

04 June:
Sunshine Hours = 6 to 12 hrs

05 June:
Sunshine Hours = 5 to 11 hrs

06 June:
Sunshine Hours = 5 to 10 hrs

Reduced sunlight hours can have several negative effects on crops and fruits:

  1. Decreased photosynthesis
  2. Stunted growth
  3. Poor fruit quality
  4. Increased susceptibility to diseases and pests
  5. Altered flowering and fruiting patterns
  6. Longer crop cycles
  7. Decreased overall productivity

Regards: Kashmir Weather

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